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List of Manufacturing Companies for Direct Marketing Campaigns
Database by Industry

Our list of manufacturing companies is designed to help you promote your company to this important sector

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Jun 28, 2024

With a list of manufacturing companies, sales and marketing teams can contact decision makers directly across this valuable sector.

Despite the common misconception that the United Kingdom doesn’t make anything anymore, we are in fact the ninth largest manufacturing nation in the world.

Since 1948, through periodic recessions and outbreaks of civil unrest, the rise of digital technology, the UK manufacturing industry has grown by an average of 1.4% every year.

According to MAKE UK (formerly the Manufacturer’s Organisation), manufacturing businesses contribute £192bn to the UK economy. The sector leads the way in UK export operations, research and development projects and employs a total of 2.7m people.

Manufacturing companies purchase both specialist sector-related and general business products and services to support innovation and keep business running.

The sector has been hit by both Brexit and COVID-19. Industry observers expect a rapid bounce back and a concerted effort to grow markets outside the EU27 countries.

UK manufacturing companies mailing list

There are 64,345 registered limited and PLC manufacturing companies on our database. Our list of manufacturing companies is part of our wider UK business database.

If you’re interested in targeting firms outside the manufacturing sector, please let us know when you contact us.

We can provide a solution if you lack the infrastructure to carry out direct marketing to promote your products and services to manufacturers. 

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Breakdown of the classifications on our UK manufacturing database

There are 273 individual manufacturing lines of business which fall under these main classifications

  • Capital Equipment
  • Process Industries
  • Brick, Pottery & Glass
  • Chemical Products
  • Computer & Office Machinery
  • Renewable Energy
  • Electrical & Electronic Products
  • Food
  • Furniture & Timber
  • Metal & Mechanical Products
  • Paper & Board
  • Printers & Publishers
  • Rubber & Plastic
  • Instrumentation Products
  • Textile & Leather Products
  • Vehicle & Accessory
  • Other Mnfrs

No items found.
No items found.

If you’re targeting manufacturers of a certain size, please ask your account manager to search on a combination of number of branches, number of employees, and level of turnover.

When we return the count to you, we’ll make sure that only the specific manufacturing companies are listed.

How to purchase records from the UK manufacturing database

We have two options for purchasing from our list of manufacturing companies database:

  1. database only, and
  2. managed marketing campaigns,

1. Database only


  • an Excel spreadsheet containing contact details for the decision makers within each British manufacturing company you are interested in,
  • 12 months of technical support,
  • 12 months’ usage licence

2. Managed email marketing campaigns plus manufacturing industry mailing list

Database option plus:

  • an inclusive email design – we create a high quality, benefits-led, response-provoking email design,
  • three email broadcasts – once you have agreed the design and signed it off, we’ll then send it three times (normally spaced out every two weeks or four weeks),
  • live reporting – if we receive a response which demands immediate attention, we’ll alert your company with the details straight away, and
  • comprehensive reporting – our data team will send your company a full analytics report showing you the company name for each of those opened and/or clicked through to your email – and how many times.

B2B telemarketing service

Our team can provide a flexible B2B telemarketing service to contact manufacturers from your database. Telemarketing campaigns can be used for:

  • appointment setting – our experienced telemarketers will present your company and its products and services to each manufacturing business, with the aim of securing an appointment,
  • market research – including finding how much each decision maker currently spends on products and services you sell. Which competitor they use, and when any supply contract is due to come to an end,
  • lead generation – generate qualified leads for your sales team to follow up,
  • following up - add the human touch to follow up on email marketing or direct mail campaigns.

Full management, set up and reporting are included in our B2B telemarketing campaigns.

Find out more and request a database count

If your company can supply products, services, or systems which can aid manufacture, we can help you to demonstrate your value to decision makers in the sector.

This includes the benefits of being supplied by you, the money they’ll save, and the opportunities they’ll be able to unlock.

To speak with one of our team about our list of manufacturing companies, please call us on 0330 010 8300 or click here to email our marketing databases team.

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