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List of facilities management companies for direct marketing campaigns
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With our comprehensive list of facilities management companies, you can market your products, services, and solutions to the growing FM industry

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Feb 14, 2024

List of UK facility services companies

A list of facilities management companies is essential for small businesses and contractors who supply products or services to buildings.

Because these businesses depend on their ability to obtain new clients and keep them satisfied over the long-term. Being able to sell to clients that have power over their buildings and facilities, like building and facilities managers, is crucial. Facilities management has become an increasingly important function within larger organisations.

Because, facility management companies perform a wide range of tasks on behalf of organisations, including managing factories, offices, retail centres, sports facilities, hospitals, hotels, arenas, and more.

Currently, the United Kingdom’s facilities management market is valued at £47 billion, and is expected to reach £71 billion by 2026 – a compound annual growth rate of 1.42%.

With More Than Words Marketing’s facility management company database, you are able to connect with 3,769 businesses and offer your products and services right now.

Facilities management companies: what’s on our list?

Part of our UK business database, the following is included in our list of facilities management companies:

  • postal addresses for 3,769 records,
  • 943 with phone numbers, and
  • 1,764 records have email addresses.

You do not have to buy the entire database

More Than Words account managers can help you refine the list and create a bespoke database of only those companies that are most valuable to your business.

Our full marketing services

1. Facilities management firms

  • a comprehensive listing of building services companies,
  • the names and contacts of high-level decision makers at facilities management companies,
  • the data can be accessed for 12 months after purchase, and
  • multiple fields are included in each entry.

2. Email marketing campaign design, three campaigns, and follow-up reports

  • working with our designers and writers, you will be able to create one powerful email design,
  • three email broadcasts sent from our trusted servers, and
  • for every email campaign, an Excel spreadsheet is provided with information on every click and open.

3. Technical support services

  • our data technicians can assist you if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
  • whenever you design campaigns yourself, you will be supported by our design and copywriting teams.

How can I approach facilities management companies with my product?

Our facilities management company list will allow you to promote your business by phone, email, and mail. 

We can help you with managed email campaigns or managed B2B telemarketing campaigns if you do not have the resources or infrastructure in-house. Click to find out more about the advantages of B2B telemarketing campaigns.

Selling to facility management companies

An integrated facilities management service handles all the responsibilities tenants and owners have to keep their premises running well. 

There are many challenges these companies face to stay in business. So, by providing a solution that can help is key to the success of your direct marketing campaign. 

Here are some of the approaches we suggest when creating direct marketing campaigns:

Adding value for end users

The modern building owner no longer focuses solely on the cost of building a new building.

Because the cost of operating and maintaining the buildings is also important to them. For product decisions they rely on the expertise and experience of their facility managers.

But building owners often expect their facility management services to spend less each year. This is despite the cost of building materials and the growing number of employees, as well as rising labour costs.

The most common solutions owners are looking for from their facilities management company include:

  • cost-effective maintenance and repairs
  • energy-efficient and sustainable buildings
  • the ability to reduce operating costs
  • increased safety
  • updates of the interior of the building to meet the needs of tenants or to attract customers
  • a building with a very long lifespan

Updating facilities

The facilities management service provider today has a very large role in helping the owner meet building performance requirements and to manage what is often a very large budget. 

In order to prove that your product is the better option for the type of building they manage, you need to learn as much as you can about it.

Learn what innovations are useful in the current environment. In the wake of the pandemic, many facilities are relying on data insights to improve compliance with building health rules.

Sensors are available to measure everything from occupancy to temperature to air quality. Yet they are not being used nearly enough. Businesses can use data around footfall to determine when to clean rooms or equipment instead of cleaning things at set times. Property management benefits, but so do clients, especially as they’re saving money. 

You can also develop better products by staying current on this information, since they’ll be based on market demands.

Adapting to changes

The facilities manager has to be familiar with hundreds of products and systems. On top of that, they have to remain up to date on the latest product advances. 

Facilities services should keep up to date with new digital tools that can help them track and monitor products more effectively. But products and systems are evolving faster than they can keep up. 

Facilities managers want to learn. If you offer education as part of your direct marketing efforts, including events and seminars, they’ll pay attention.

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Get your own facilities management marketing database

Get in touch with high-level decision makers in over 3,769 facilities management companies.

We can create a list for you based on your company and the types of buildings and organisations you want to approach.

To speak to one of our account managers, please contact us on 0330 010 8300 or you can click here to email our marketing databases team.

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